
Live dead cell viability analysis for 3D and 2D cell culture.

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    The Cyto3D™ Live-Dead Assay Kit is developed for accurate determination of live/dead nucleated cells by using a dual-fluorescence system. This kit is recommended for viability analysis of cell cultures in 3D or 2D coating or on monolayer.

    Acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI), both nuclear staining (nucleic acid binding) dyes, are used in this kit. AO is permeable to both live and dead cells and stains all nucleated cells to generate green fluorescence. PI only penetrates the membranes of nucleated cells with compromised membranes and stains the dead cells to generate red fluorescence. Due to the quenching, when cells are stained with both AO and PI, all live nucleated cells fluoresce green and all dead nucleated cells fluoresce red (the PI reduces the fluorescence intensity of the AO by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)). Non-nucleated materials such as red blood cells, platelets and debris do not fluorescence and are ignored fluorescence microscopes.

    Dual-Fluorescence Viability, using AO and PI, is the recommended viability analysis method for cell lines, primary cells, and stem cells.

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    Easy setup and use :

    Specifications :

    Formulation Acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI), nuclear staining dyes
    UseLive dead cell viability analysis for 3D and 2D cell culture
    Detection MethodFluorescent
    Excitation/Emission AO (494/517nm),
    PI (535/617nm)
    Standard filtersAO (GFP), PI (Texas Red)2)
    For use with (Equipment)Fluorescence microscope, flow cytometer, microplate reader, fluorescence cell counter.
    Storage 2 to 8°C (Protect from light)
    Shipping Conditions Ships at ambient temperature
    Sizes 1 mL
    500 tests (at 2 µL per 100 µL)